The final 27 players have just completed a full three table redraw. Below you will see the seating chart, and full updated counts for those 27, courtesy of the live reporting team. Stay tune to find out who continues to pull away after the dinner break.

Main Feature Table

Seat 1: James Mattingly – 350,000
Seat 2: Alan Merdita – 525,000
Seat 3: Chris Moorman – 400,000
Seat 4: Jason Bullock – 280,000
Seat 5: Shawne Stroke – 275,000
Seat 6: Lian Liu – 700,000
Seat 7: Mike Peters – 240,000
Seat 8: Dong Meng – 1,000,000
Seat 9: Scott Dulaney – 1,300,000

    Side Feature Table

    Seat 1: Alvin Wilson – 470,000
    Seat 2: Albert Gorelik – 2,025,000
    Seat 3: John West – 2,010,000
    Seat 4: David Nguyen – 810,000
    Seat 5: Kyler Scheriger – 780,000
    Seat 6: James Casement – 430,000
    Seat 7: Kevin Will – 420,000
    Seat 8: Cody Bell – 2,190,000
    Seat 9: Georgios Tsouloftas – 2,500,000

      Outside Table

      Seat 1: Richard Gebhart – 500,000
      Seat 2: Andrew Voor – 350,000
      Seat 3: Nathan Wasson – 385,000
      Seat 4: Mike Champion – 405,000
      Seat 5: Shaun Sturgeon – 400,000
      Seat 6: Ivan Sakharov – 375,000
      Seat 7: Darrell Gaudette – 440,000
      Seat 8: David Goodman – 510,000
      Seat 9: Ramon Kropmanns – 2,000,000

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